Welcome to My Website!

Hi! Thanks so much for stopping by! I’m Sydne Newberry. I’ve been a practicing nutritionist and nutrition researcher for over 25 years!  In addition to helping clients become their best selves, I teach nutrition, write about nutrition, do research on nutrition, and analyze the research everyone else does on nutrition to determine just how strong the evidence is for the claims you hear and read on a daily basis.  My job is sifting through the mountains of nutrition findings that appear in medical journals and determining the strength of the evidence so that government agencies and medical societies can set guidelines.

Not a day goes by without our hearing or seeing a news story or a web posting about some new research findings in the world of nutrition. Trying to keep up with this onslaught of information, not to mention figuring out what to believe and whether it applies to you or a loved one, can be an insurmountable task! I know because everywhere I go, people ask me what nutrition information they should believe, what foods they should eat, whether they should take vitamins, whether their children’s diets are healthy, whether kale is really the miracle food!

In the years I’ve been a nutritionist, I have heard and read far too much nutrition nonsense, some of it actually dangerous! So I have finally decided to take to the web to share my knowledge and experience and to help you make the right nutrition and fitness decisions for you, based on the medical evidence! If you subscribe to my blog or just drop in when the mood strikes, you will be treated to a weekly (or more frequent, if it’s a hot news week) rundown of what’s new in nutrition and what it all means for you. I will also answer your questions and share my knowledge on topics like whether we need to eat breakfast, who really needs more protein, whether artificial sweeteners really do those things you read about, who needs a cleanse, and all those other issues I get asked about at parties, in supermarkets, and while I’m working out at the gym.

Finally, you’ll see that my blog has kind of a travel theme! That’s because I see eating well as a great adventure! In addition to my nutrition training, I’ve trained as a chef, I am descended from two generations of chefs, and I’m married to a chef. I enjoy exploring the world of food, and I am convinced that getting back to a lifestyle of eating real food is the key to health and great quality of life! So please join me on the journey and if you have specific issues you’d like me to explore, please feel free to let me know!

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